Safe Sport

Safe Sport Overview

Canada Basketball believes that everyone has the right to enjoy the sport at whatever level or position they participate. Athletes, coaches, officials, and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training and competitive environment that is free of abuse, harassment, or maltreatment.

Canada Basketball seeks collaboratively and in partnership with grassroots organizations to grow the sport of basketball at all levels aligned with its policies, by-laws, and procedures. The #1 reason athletes quit playing sports is because it is no longer fun. When athletes have a positive experience with basketball, they often stay active in the sport for a longer duration and give back in leadership roles. If the sporting experience is not safe or fun, participants will walk away and quit, regardless of their talent or how good their team or coach is.

As part of growing the game of basketball at elite, competitive, and recreation levels, Canada Basketball is investing in creating and promoting Safe Sport. Safe Sport is a multi-faceted model that aims to develop and foster sport environments that are safe for all participants at all ages and levels of competition. Safe Sport’s objective is to ensure greater sport participation at all levels by creating, maintaining, and promoting a sport culture and environment that is empowering, positive, inclusive, and equitable for all participants free from abuse, harassment, and discrimination.

Canada Basketball is committed to practicing Safe Sport and ensuring all participants are provided with safe, welcoming, and accessible sport environments, free from all forms of maltreatment.

CanadaBasketball’s Safe Sport framework is made up of 3 pillars. The 3 pillars of Safe Sport are Education, Prevention, and Response guided by Canada Basketball Policy and Procedures. The 3 pillars work collectively to prioritize the welfare, safety, and rights of every participant at all times by emphasizing collective responsibility and accountability.



- Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Adress Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS)
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- Anti-doping
- Concussion Protocol
- Safe Sport Policy Suite


- Screening
- Required Training
- Responsible Coaching Movement
- Risk Management


- Complaints Reporting
- Safe Sport Officer
- Independent Reporting Mechanisms
- Other Organizations & Services


Canada Basketball recognizes its responsibility to foster a sport environment that ensures positive, healthy and fulfilling experiences.  A safe sport environment is one that does not jeopardize an athlete’s mental, physical, emotional or sexual health and well-being but instead promotes strength, resilience and self-confidence.  By prioritizing the welfare, safety and rights of our members, Canada Basketball is able to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to address the needs of the basketball community in relation to safety in sport.

The Education pillar includes modules and activities that are informative and serve to enhance knowledge, develop reasoning and ethical judgment, and foster positive interactions and practices in various settings. These educational initiatives, policies, and protocols serve as a pro-active platform in creating a safe sport culture consistent with the values of Canada Basketball including fairness, integrity, open communication, and mutual respect.

Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS)

Individuals should have the reasonable expectation when they participate in sport in Canada that it will be in an environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their personal goals, and is free from all forms of Maltreatment. Maltreatment is defined as “Volitional acts that result in harm or the potential for physical or psychological harm”. All parties and organizations committed to the goal of Safe Sport have agreed that Maltreatment has no place in Canadian sport and, when present, must be sanctioned appropriately.

The Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) is created to provide the foundation for the development of a coordinated implementation strategy to prevent and address maltreatment across all levels of the Canadian sport system, and for all participants (athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, practitioners, etc.).  The UCCMS is a result of an extensive consultation process that sought insight and expertise from within the sport system and from external subject matter experts.

The Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) is the core document that sets harmonized rules that have been adopted by Canadian National Sport Organizations and Multi-Sport Service Organizations. The goal of the UCCMS is to advance a respectful sport culture that delivers quality, inclusive, accessible, welcoming and safe sport experiences.

The UCCMS addresses:
- common principles and a commitment to advance a respectful sport culture;
- standard definitions of various forms of maltreatment, including grooming, neglect, and physical, sexual, and psychological maltreatment;
- a list of other prohibited behaviour such as retaliation, failure to report maltreatment, intentionally filing false allegations, misuse of power, etc.; and
- a framework for determining appropriate sanctions against such prohibited behavior.

The UCCMS is administered at the National Level by Abuse-Free Sport, a program created by the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) according to the mandate it received from the Government of Canada, for preventing and addressing maltreatment in sport. SDRCC is a non-for-profit organization created under the Physical Activity and Sport Act (S.C. 2003, c.2).

The Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC) is a functionally independent division of the SDRCC and is responsible to administer the UCCMS and relevant aspects of Abuse-Free Sport.

On March 1, 2023, Canada Basketball formally adopted the UCCMS and joined theAbuse-Free Sport program. As such, complaints regarding alleged violations to the UCCMS by national team athletes (including Junior Academy), team coaches and staff, national office staff, and board of directors should be reported via OSIC's reporting page (

Note to reader: this report link/button is expected to be updated in 2023. More information will be provided to Signatories directly by Abuse-Free Sport as and when available.

Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport, v6 (2022)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Canada Basketball is an inclusive organization and welcomes full participation of all individuals in our programs and activities, irrespective of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability. We strive to create a culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society. Canada Basketball will encourage participation in the sport of basketball and will ensure that equity, diversity and inclusion are key considerations when developing, updating or delivering Canada Basketball policies and programs.

Helpful Links


The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) is the custodian of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), the set of rules that govern anti-doping in Canada. The CADP consists of several components such as in- and out-of-competition testing, education, medical exemptions, and the consequences of doping violations. The CADP is compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code and all international standards.

Canada Basketball has adopted the CADP which means that you can be confident that you are part of a world-class anti-doping program that is designed to protect athletes’ rights and ensure a level playing field. Canada Basketball’s anti-doping policy and code of conduct reflect and support the CADP.

As a member of Canada Basketball, the CADP applies to you! It is important to know that by participating in activities sanctioned by Canada Basketball, you may be selected for doping control.

Important Information

The CCES recommends that athletes take the following actions to ensure they don’t commit an inadvertent anti-doping rule violation:

Additional Resources and Information

  • The Global DRO provides athletes and support personnel with information about the prohibited status of specific substances based on the current WorldAnti-Doping Agency Prohibited List. 

  • Read more about the Canadian Anti-Doping Program.

  • The World Anti-Doping Agency works towards a vision of a world where all athletes compete in a doping-free sporting environment. 

  • The CCES is a proud and active member of the True Sport Movement - a movement that is based on the simple idea that good sport can make a great difference.

Report Doping

Canada Basketball and the CCES need your help to eliminate doping! To report doping activity, call the hotline at 1-800-710-CCES, download the app for Android or iOS, or fill in the online form

Various printed resources are available. Contact the CCES for more information at or1-800-672-7775.


As awareness about the short and long-term outcomes of concussion has increased, the Canadian sport sector has stepped up to proactively manage and prevent concussion in sport. Canada Basketball is dedicated to building awareness, and influencing behavior, in relation to head injuries through education, policies and return to play/competition protocol. Canada Basketball has endorsed the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport from Parachute and is currently working on a basketball specific set of guidelines.

A concussion is a brain injury that cannot be seen on routine X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs. It affects the way you may think and remember things, and can cause a variety of symptoms. Here are some key points to remember on concussion management:

  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion

  • Remove the athlete from the game or practice

  • Refer the athlete to licensed healthcare professional

  • Return to school and then to sport based on the recommendations of a medical expert

For additional resources on Concussions, visit Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC).


The Prevention pillar incudes a comprehensive set of principles and policies that establish expected behaviour, guidelines for ethical decision-making, and accountability for all individuals and groups affiliated with Canada Basketball to prevent and minimize harm and risk to athletes and identify potential misconduct. Preventive initiatives include early intervention, required training, and background screening.

Athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training and competitive environments that are free of abuse, harassment, and discrimination. The following initiatives are in place via the Prevention pillar to strengthen the creation, maintenance, and promotion of Safe Sport for Canada Basketball.


Canada Basketball understands that screening is a vital part of providing a safe sporting environment. Background screening ensures that coaches meet the important requirements to coach athletes.  Canada Basketball is responsible, by law, to do everything reasonable to provide a safe and secure environment for participants in its programs, activities, and events.  The purpose of screening is to identify individuals involved with Canada Basketball activities who may pose a risk to the organization and its participants.

Screening is to identify and minimize risk via Enhanced Police Information Check (E-PIC), Vulnerable Sector Verification (VSV), and Driver’s Abstract. E-PICs and VSVs are valid for a period of three (3) years and Screening Disclosure Forms must be completed on an annual basis.

E-PICs may be obtained through Sterling Talent Solutions at

VSVs may be obtained by Sterling Talent Solutions at

Results of screening results are required to be submitted to Canada Basketball depending on their role and level of risk involved with athletes ranging from low to high risk.

Required Training

As mandated by Sport Canada, Canada Basketball is committed to providing Safe Sport Training to all national office staff, Board of Directors, National Team coaches and athletes, officials, and key volunteers.  Canada Basketball’s recommendation for mandatory safe sport training is the Safe Sport Training Module developed by the Coaching Association of Canada (eLearning available for free via the Locker).

Safe Sport training is a free 90-minute module which will equip coaches, administrators, and volunteers with the knowledge to recognize, prevent, and address maltreatment in sport.

What you will learn from the module?

  • Acknowledgement
    Understand that everyone has a role to play in keeping sport safe, how the misuse of power leads to maltreatment, and the principles of the Universal Code of Conduct.

  • Awareness
    Learn about the various types of maltreatment, the conditions that enable them, and how to recognize signs that they may be happening.

  • Action
    Find out what to do if you suspect maltreatment, and how you can create a culture that protects all participants.

In addition, the CAC has created tools and resources to help organizations embed Safe Sport principles and maintain maltreatment-free sports environments.  Safe Sport Training is available in both official languages, meets accessibility guidelines, and works on any platform or device.  Certified coaches will earn two Professional Development points upon completing the module.  Creating sport culture where everyone can thrive is everyone’s responsibility.  Safe Sport Training developed by the Coaching Association of Canada helps you play your part.

Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM)

The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a multi-phase system-wide movement, coordinated by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, to prevent, minimize, and mitigate unethical behaviour in sports.

Canada Basketball has taken the pledge and is a proud Champion of the Responsible Coaching Movement.  By making this pledge, Canada Basketball is committed to implementing supportive policies and processes that adhere to the Responsible Coaching Movement to ensure the safety and protection of our athletes and coaches, and provide our coaches with the tools and training necessary to model ethical behaviour.

To reduce risk in sport, the Responsible Coaching Movement focuses on three key areas:

  • Rule of Two 2

  • Background Screening

  • Respect and Ethics Training

Canada Basketball, with the support of the Coaching Association of Canada, will be actively reviewing its current policies and procedures to ensure they align with the recommendations and guidelines of the RCM. Working closely with our Provincial Sporting Organizations, we will identify realistic ways and means to entrench the Responsible Coaching Movement across our sport and enhance the safety of our athletes and ethical conduct of our coaches.

Rule of Two

The Rule of 2 serves to protect minor athletes in potentially vulnerable situations by ensuring more than one adult is present. The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable, and justifiable. This includes closed-door meetings, travel, and training environments, amongst others.

Good Rule of Two Implementation Practices:

  • Ensure a coach is never alone and out of sight with a participant without another screened coach or screened adult (parent or volunteer) present.

  • Allow training environment to be open to observation.

  • Ensure a participant rides in a coach’s vehicle with another adult present.

  • Consider the gender of the participant(s) when selecting the screened coaches and volunteers present.

  • Eliminate one-to-one electronic messaging. Ensure that all communications are sent to the group and/or include parents.

Download the Rule of Two Infographic.


Screening is an important part of providing a safe sporting environment and has become a common practice among sport organizations that provide programs and services to the community. Canada Basketball and its Members and affiliated clubs are responsible at law to do everything reasonable to provide a safe and secure environment for participants in its programs, activities and events. Requiring that valid police record checks, and other background checks as appropriate, be submitted, as part of the screening process, is part of this duty of care. See Screening above.

Respect & Ethics Training

Ethics training prepares coaches to effectively handle situations that arise from ethical dilemmas or even legal challenges that concern individuals, teams, and their sport organizations.

All coaches are required to complete the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions (MED) training within their National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) pathway.  The training equips coaches to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety.  NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves during their coaching context.

Risk Management

Risk Management is the process of identifying and evaluating the chance of loss or harm and then taking steps to combat the potential risk. A number of organizations have put together resources to assist the sport community in developing their own Risk Management protocols.

The Risk Management Guide, created by 2010 Legacies Now, is intended to help volunteers and staff of local sport organizations make better decisions. Designed for leaders, administrators and volunteers within sport organizations and sport clubs, the Risk Management Guide explains current risk management processes and how they can be applied within your organization.

The Canadian Centre for Ethics (CCES) in Sport has developed The Risk Management Project as an initiative designed to help enhance the effectiveness of decision-making among sport leaders using a consistent, sport-specific, and integrated risk management process.

In addition to the Risk Management Project, the CCES has also compiled the Canadian Sport Risk Registry. A registry which contains a number of common risks and solutions sports leaders are faced with.


Canada Basketball is committed to providing our athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers with a safe and inclusive environment that fosters and preserves a positive, healthy, and enjoyable experience for all individuals.  We embrace our responsibility to cultivate an environment that is free from abuse, harassment and discrimination, and we encourage individuals to feel empowered and comfortable reporting any behaviour that breaches Canada Basketball’s Code of Conduct.

The Response pillar via its policies ensures a fair process in dealing with allegations and reported cases of misconduct by adhering to third party reporting and confidentiality. Equitable investigation, conflict resolution and discipline are at the core of the Response pillar for Canada Basketball.

Complaint Reporting

Canada Basketball encourages reporting of all incidents where abuse, discrimination, and harassment is perceived regardless of whom the offender may be or the context. This is essential in ensuring accountability by identifying risks to athletes and mitigating unsafe sport environments and behaviour posing threats to athletes.

Canada Basketball knows how important it can be to provide a safe and secure way of reporting issues that are impacting an individual directly or that they have become aware of.  As required by Sport Canada, all complaints reporting will be managed by an Independent Third-Party Safe Sport Officer.

Independent Safe Sport Reporting Mechanism

Canada Basketball has partnered with ITP Sport to provide a secure and independent reporting intake and case management system. This multilingual service (150 languages) provides a 24/7/365 phone line and secure online case management platform to receive safe sport-related issues.

The reporting system has been designed to reflect the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) Version 6.0 and the best practices across the Safe Sport landscape for complaint response and management.

Athletes, coaches, officials, parents, or volunteers are encouraged to report concerns or relate incidents of maltreatment, and the system will allow complainants to monitor the progress of their complaint.

ITP Sport's mandate includes, but is not limited to:

  • Respond to emails and phone calls received by parties about abuse, harassment, bullying and discrimination.

  • Contact complainant(s) to learn more about the situation. The Safe Sport Officer will make efforts to respond to all complaints within 24 hours after being advised of the situation.

  • Conduct a preliminary review and assess against applicable policies, legal frameworks, and best practices.

  • Except with prior consent of the complainant, maintain confidentiality regarding the identity of the complainant(s) and the specific details of the complainant, unless otherwise required by law.

For concerns/complaints, or to report or discuss incidents of abuse or harassment of any kind related to National Team and Canada Basketball events/activities, we encourage individuals to contact ITP Sport directly at:

Complaints submitted via the online link can only be accessed by ITP Sport. 

*For Provincial Team activity or club related concerns/complaints, we encourage individuals to contact their Provincial Organization directly.  Situations involving forms of misconduct such as emotional or physical misconduct, bullying, hazing, or harassment should be reported immediately.

Should any complaint or concern come to the attention of the CEO or any Canada Basketball representatives, it will be forwarded to ITP Sport.

Helpful Organizations & Services

Kids Help Phone • 1-800-688-6868

A bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, web counselling, and referral service for children and youth. Kids Help Phone provides counselling and support for various issues and topics including emotional well-being, body issues and questions, bullying and abuse, identity, sex and relationships, school and work, and family and friends. Visit Resources Around Me to learn more about the services available in your area.

Visit Website for Kids Help Phone

Red Cross Community Services

Red Cross is helping build safe communities throughout Canada. They provide a number of services in communities including health services, water safety, first aid education, and prevention of violence, bullying and abuse. You can find what is available in your community here.

Visit Website for Red Cross Community Services

Victim Services Government of Canada

The Canadian government provides a number of services to victims of crime, including emotional support, counselling, advocacy and safety planning. To find a service near you visit their directory.

Visit Website for Victim Services Government of Canada

Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP)

CASP’s goal is to reduce the suicide rate in Canada and to minimize the consequences of suicidal behaviour. Need Help? Find your local Crisis Centre.

Visit Website for Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP)

First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness

A helpline dedicated to supporting First Nations and Inuit Peoples. Service is available in Cree, Ojibway, Inuktitut, English and French. To reach the helpline call 1-855-242-3310.

Visit Website for First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness

Trans Lifeline

A helpline dedicated to the well-being of transgender people. The phone line is staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Call 1-877-330-6366.

Visit Website for Trans Lifeline

Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction

The Centre was created by the Canadian Government to address and provide leadership on substance use in Canada. To find a treatment centre near you click here.

Visit Website for Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction

Get access to useful resources for managing concussions in basketball here.