
Accessibility Plan

Canada Basketball is committed to making the sport of basketball accessible and providing an inclusive environment for all participants.

‍Canada Basketball has developed an Accessibility Plan whichexplores the organization’s policies, programs, practices and servicesconcerning the identification and removal of barriers. This will be donethrough continuing the development, implementation, and enforcement ofstadards relating to customer service, and events as well as updating ourinformation and communications standards.

‍This Accessibility Planalso explores the actions being taken to identify, remove and prevent barriersby outlining short- and long-term commitments to improve accessibility now andinto the future

Download Accessibility Plan (PDF)

Alternate Format(s)
Should you require an alternate accessible format for this Accessibility Plan, please contact us by using any of the channels listed below under the Accessibility Plan Feedback Process.

Site web accessible
Canada Basketball travaille avec diligence pour s'assurer que tous les utilisateurs, quels que soient leurs configurations techniques ou leurs handicaps, puissent accéder aux informations fournies sur

Pour atteindre cet objectif, notre équipe et nos partenaires web respectent les normes établies par le World Wide Web Consortium – WC3. Notre site web est conçu pour répondre et dépasser le niveau de base d’accessibilité défini par le W3C et requis par les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux pour les sites web privés (connu sous le nom de WCAG 2.1 niveau AA).

Accessibility Plan Feedback Process
If you have feedback about how Canada Basketball is implementing its Accessibility Plan, and/or have feedback as a basketball participant (player, coach or official), please contact us using the email, phone number or mailing address outlined below.

Disruption of Notice
Canada Basketball may experience service interruptions. If there are temporary disruptions to services or facilities essential for those with disabilities to access or use Canada Basketball’s product, reasonable attempts will be made to give advance notice. However, in certain situations, unplanned temporary disruptions may occur and providing advance notice may not be possible.


Télécharger Rapport de conformité surl’accessibilité de 2023


Phone number
(416) 614 - 8037 (ext. 319)

Mailing address
Canada Basketball
1 Westside Drive, Suite 11
Toronto, ON
M9C 1B2

Canada Basketball will review and assess feedback about the implementation of the Accessibility Plan or barriers encountered.  All feedback will be logged, assessed, and implemented, when necessary.