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Canada basketball

2015 Canadian Basketball Hall of Fame Call for Nominations



Dec 10, 2014

Canada Basketball is pleased to announce that the 2015 call for nominations for the Canadian Basketball Hall of Fame is now open.

“The Canadian Basketball Hall of Fame is our way of honouring and celebrating those who have contributed to the development and enhancement of basketball in Canada and internationally,” said Michele O’Keefe, Executive Director. “Our Hall of Fame currently includes outstanding members of the Canadian Basketball community and we’re very proud of their contributions.”

Inductees are awarded bi-annually. In 2013, Andrea Blackwell, Bill Coulthard and Candace Jirik (nee Clarkson) were inducted in the athlete category.

Nominations can be made in any one of five categories: athletes, teams, coaches, officials and builders.

Nominations will be accepted from the following:

  • The Board of Directors;
  • Any member in good standing;
  • Any citizen of Canada, provided that the nomination has been signed by 10 individuals and receives the signed approval of either the Board of Directors of Canada Basketball or an active member association prior to the submission to the Hall of Fame; and
  • Any Canadian media representative provided that the nomination is received on official letterhead and is signed by an official representative of Canada Basketball

All nominations should contain a complete record of the merits and achievements of each candidate, including a biography, letters of support, and news clippings.


All nominees must be either a Canadian citizens, a resident of Canada for a minimum of five years, born in Canada or made their distinguished contribution to the game of basketball while in Canada.

Players must be retired for a minimum of five years from active duty at their highest level.  Teams must be at least five years removed from their significant milestone.  Coaches and officials must be retired for a minimum of two years or one year if the individual is 65 or older.  Builders are exempt from specific timelines with respect to entry.

The deadline for nominations is January 16, 2015.  Please submit all nominations to:

Selection Committee
c/o Ron Yeung
Canada Basketball
1 Westside Drive, Unit 11
Toronto, ON  M9C 1B2

For nomination forms and more detailed criteria, please visit .