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Canada basketball

Bev Barnes - in Memoriam



Sep 1, 2016

Bev "Barney" Barnes died suddenly on August 16, 2015 after a round of golf at Quilchena Golf Course in Richmond, BC from a massive thoracic aneurism on the ascending artery. It was sudden with no hope of recovery.

Bev was a member of the Canadian women's national team in the early to mid 70's and was a member of the 1976 Olympic Team in Montreal.

The Barnes family will lay her to rest this weekend beside her parents at the Robert's Creek cemetery.

The following gatherings are being organised in her honour:

Sept 17 - Homecoming at UBC, an informal gathering of "Birds" around noon.

Sept 23 - Celebration of Life in Quilchena from 2-5pm

Oct 2 - South Delta Sec Celebration of Life