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Canada basketball

Get to Know... Shona Thorburn

This series lets you get to know the men and women from our national team programs. This time we discover Hamilton, Ontario native Shona Thorburn who is currently playing professionally for the Toulouse Metropole in France.

Canada Basketball (CB):  You've played with Team Canada for eight seasons, what does it mean to you to play for your country?

Shona Thorburn (ST): These is no other feeling than having Canada across your chest and representing your country.  I have great memories from highschool to professional ball in Europe now, but when it's time to put on a Canada jersey you realize these are the reasons you train so hard.

CB:  2013 was a fantastic year for the team that ended with a FIBA Americas silver medal - and a berth at next year's FIBA World Championships. What was your best memory of this past summer? Is there a game or moment stands out most for you?

ST:  Team Canada has come so far and last summer was an example of what level we are at now in the world.  We have a knack for leaving it to the last minute (in terms of qualifying) and it was such a great feeling winning the semifinals and knowing we had qualified for the World Championships in Turkey.

CB: You’re currently playing ball in France, but you previously played for a number of years in Spain. Have you found any major differences between playing in these two countries? Is there a country you prefer playing in?

ST:  I spent five wonderful years in Spain and I think the country is amazing.  From the food to the wine, architecture, history and just the friendly lifestyle.  That being said I don't regret moving to France.  Of course they have great food and wine here, but I think the hardest adjustment has been meeting people.  Culturally I think the French are more closed of than the Spanish.

At this moment though the French league is one of the best in Europe so every week I get to play against some of the best players in the world.

CB:  Currently, you and SWNT teammate Miranda Ayim play professional ball for Toulouse in France. Last year, you played for Aix-en-Provence with other SWNT teammate Lizanne Murphy. Is it special when Canadians meet on teams overseas?

ST: There are times on any team when it's extremely hard and you don't know why you do it, and to have someone you know, someone who shares the same passion playing for Canada as you have helps you get through those hard moments.

It's also great playing with someone who I know their game, I know what Miranda likes to do where she wants the ball.  The same was with Liz last year.  If it was up to me I would have my European team full of Canadians!!!!

CB: Outside of ball, what are you looking forward to the most this year? (any hobbies, other activities + interests?)

ST: I love restaurants.... Every city I go to I do my research to find the best restaurants in that city.  So I am slowly checking off my list of restaurants here in Toulouse.  

CB:  Do you have any pre-game rituals?

ST: I really don't have anything specific I need to do before a game.  I like to make sure I get a nap after shoot around.  Oh I do put a piece of gum in my mouth right before the game starts.

CB:  What advice do you have for young Canadian kids, looking to progress in basketball and become an elite player like you?

ST:  Anything is possible. Be patient, your dreams don't come true over night.  Be prepared to work hard and enjoy what you do.