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Canada basketball

What is It About ‘ballers?



Oct 11, 2016

I’m going to throw this out there for all you “basketball people”. If you’re reading from the world of soccer, rugby, football, hockey, whatever… I DO love you too! If you have worked with me over the years, you know I care about all sports.

But what is it about ‘ballers?

Training young athletes is an absolute joy. Working with eager, energetic, and enthusiastic kids can bring personal satisfaction and inspiration. It gives me hope for my young girls as I see teenagers training with dedication and respectfulness.It makes my day.

Typical workouts under my guidance cover quite a few of the fitness bases.  We work through mobility, speed, power, strength, and general “mental fortitude”.  I find great value in giving the kids a challenge that at first seems overwhelming, but becomes a bit more reachable within the first few minutes of effort. Relay races, weighted carries, hills, and obstacle courses pop up at the end of most training sessions (although not all in one workout!)

Read more here.