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Canada basketball

Canada Basketball Update on COVID-19


Mar 13, 2020

March 13, 2020 (4:00 PM ET) - Due to the ongoing developments in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and in an attempt to protect our players, coaches, staff, and officials, Canada Basketball has decided to postpone the following events:

- Canada Basketball Jr. Academy Session (March 13-15)

- Women's National Age-Group Assessment Camp (March 26-31)

- Men’s National Age-Group Assessment Camp (April 10-12)

Canada Basketball, with guidance from Canadian and global health authorities, will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis and advise on the status of upcoming events as new information becomes available.

Given the quickly developing nature of the Coronavirus situation both at home and globally, our organization is encouraging people to practice social distancing to limit public interactions and do our collective part in slowing the impending spread of the virus and flatten the curve.

Each situation varies on a case-by-case basis but this could include, postponing mass gatherings such as sporting events, cancelling all non-essential travel and urging employees work at home.  We firmly believe that this is our responsibility within the basketball community and on a larger scale as Canadians and global citizens.

Additionally, we continue to encourage all athletes, coaches, officials, support staff, volunteers, spectators and everyone participating in any basketball events** and competitions beyond those organized by Canada Basketball, to be vigilant with their health and safety.

Canada Basketball will continue to remain in contact with and follow the directions of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and local Public Health agencies to ensure we are aware of, and aligned with, appropriate recommendations and requirements for hosting upcoming scheduled events.  

While PHAC has currently assessed the public health risk associated with coronavirus as low for Canada, the aforementioned steps are important in helping to contain the spread of the virus. We recognize that this is an evolving story and our commitment is to provide you with up-to-date information as it becomes available.

Please note that Canada Basketball also receive regular updates from Sport Medicine Advisory Committee comprised of Chief Medical Officers from the Canadian Olympic Committee, the Canadian Paralympic Committee, and the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Sport Institute Network (COPSIN) to guide the organization in its decisions.  Canada Basketball will continue to provide these updates with our Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization partners.

Information on potential new dates for postponed events will be provided as and when possible, based on the fluidity of the current situation.

Canada Basketball is committed to the health and safety of our basketball community and the responsibility we have as an organization to contribute to the containment efforts. We thank you for your patience as we take the time to make the best decision in the circumstances.

** NOTE: There are games / tournaments played throughout Canada at a local level that are not national-level events and are operated by affiliates and local organizations or private groups.  The decisions as it relates to those events are made at a local level and on an individual case-by-case basis.  We continue to encourage all involved to engage with local health and medical professionals and seek guidance from the Government of Canada and World Health Organization.  Those decisions should be made with best interests of their greater communities in mind.

PTSO Advisories

- Newfoundland and Labrodor Basketball – Suspended all basketball activities until further notice

- Basketball New Brunswick – Closed office; Suspended all basketball activities until further notice

- Basketball Nova Scotia – Suspended all basketball activities until further notice

- Ontario Basketball – Closed office; suspended all basketball activities for one month

- Basketball Quebec – Suspended all basketball activities until further notice

- Basketball Manitoba – Suspended all basketball activities until further notice

- Alberta Basketball – Closed office; suspended all basketball activities until further notice

- Basketball BC – Closed office; suspended all basketball activities until April 15

Additional Resources

- World Health Organization

- Public Health Agency of Canada

- COVID-19 Coronavirus from the Sport Medicine Advisory Committee (Updated March 15)