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Canada basketball

Get to Know... Kyle Landry

This series lets you get to know the men and women from our national team programs. This time we discover Calgary, Alberta native Kyle Landry who is currently playing professional basketball in Russia.

Canada Basketball (CB): You've played with Team Canada for four seasons, what does it mean to you to play for your country?

Kyle Landry (KL): It has been a great honour to be able to represent the country that I am from. And to have the chance to play with other great players from our country has just made it all the better.

CB: What is your best memory/moment playing for Canada?

KL: My best memory is in 2009 when we qualified for the World Championships in Turkey.

CB: Besides Canada, which country do you enjoy playing in the most?

KL: I have enjoyed all the countries that I have played in. It has been great to be able to see so many places by playing basketball.

CB: How do you enjoy living in Russia? What do you miss most about Canada?

KL: Russia has been great for me. I have been lucky to be part of a great team. All the players and coaches here have been amazing and have made this a great experience. I miss my family the most, as well as being able to speak English everywhere I go.

CB: Outside of ball, what are you looking forward to the most this year?

KL: I am just looking forward to doing some traveling and relaxing.

CB: Do you have any pre-game rituals?

KL: Pre-game rituals can be difficult to keep with all the travel and different start times. So I tend to stay away from them.

CB: What advice do you have for young Canadian kids, looking to progress in basketball and become an elite player like you?

KL: Don't listen or believe the people who say you cannot accomplish things. As long as you truly want it and put in the time and effort it is possible to reach your goals.