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Canada basketball

Get to Know... Tyler Ennis



Nov 7, 2013

Image courtesy of Syracuse University Athletic Communications

This series lets you get to know the men and women from our national team programs. This time we discover Brampton, Ontario native Tyler Ennis who is currently playing at Syracuse University.

Canada Basketball (CB): What does it mean to you to play for Canada?

Tyler Ennis (TE): Playing for your country is an honour and provides good opportunity to better your game, especially when you’re playing at the top competitions. We could have done better this summer, but with some more experience we’ll get there.

CB: Syracuse has a great history with Canadian players (Leo, Andy, Kris) what does it mean to you to join the team?

TE: Great to be in company with them and Syracuse loves what Canadians have done for them. I hope to open some doors for younger players to follow in my footsteps.

Image courtesy of Syracuse University Athletic Communications

CB: What are your goals for the upcoming season?

TE: No personal goals necessarily, just to go out there and play my game. As a team, make the tournament; go as far in the ACC as we can and start a legacy for us.

CB: Looking forward to playing against your brother this season?

TE: Ya it’s one of the most important games for me. For the rivalry and personal for me to play against my brother for the first time. Important for my family as well, they’ll all be here.

CB: Outside of ball, what are you looking forward to the most this year?

TE: Just the college experience. You only get to go for so many years; everyone says it’s the best time of your life, so I want to enjoy it. Have a good career, have fun and be successful academically.

CB: What do you miss most about Canada?

TE: Other than my family and friends, there’s not much of a difference to me anymore.

CB: What advice do you have for young Canadian kids, looking to progress in basketball?

TE: Believe in yourself.  Guys like Anthony [Bennett] show that you can play in Canada, grow-up in Canada and make it. We have a lot of successful players in the college level and so on, it’s possible to play the game and succeed. Just believe in yourself and play your game.

CB: Do you have any pre-game rituals?

TE: Listen to music a lot. No particular song, just listen to whatever gets me into that mindset. I also pray when I’m tying my shoes and thank god I get to play the game I love. You never know how long you’ll get to do it.