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Join the Conversation Around Mental Health on Bell Let’s Talk Day, January 30


Jan 14, 2019

Many people living with a mental illness report that negative stereotypes about mental illness, and the resulting potential for discrimination, cause them more suffering than the illness itself. As a result, two thirds of those suffering from mental illness are too afraid to seek the help that they need.

Mental illness affects people of all ages and from all walks of life. It can take many forms, including depression, anxiety and schizophrenia. Most individuals find ways to live with their illnesses but how they are treated by others often proves to be more of a challenge than the illness itself.

That’s why we are joining the conversation around mental health On Bell Let’s Talk Day, January 30. Stigma surrounded many diseases in the past, but concerted efforts to confront these attitudes resulted in change for the better, including better treatment, more funding for research, and greater understanding from family, friends and colleagues. The goal is to achieve the same level of acceptance and understanding regarding mental illness.

On Bell Let’s Talk Day, for every text, mobile and long distance call made on the Bell network, tweet using #BellLetsTalk, social media video view, or use of the Facebook frame or Snapchat filter, Bell will contribute 5 cents more to Canadian mental health programs.

In 2019, Bell will be surpassing $100 million in donated funds to Canadian mental health programs and will see over one billion Bell Let’s Talk Day messages of support. On January 30, Bell will donate 5 cents to Canadian mental health programs for each of these interactions, at no extra cost to participants:

  • Text and talk: Every text message, mobile and long distance call made by Bell Canada, Bell Aliant and Bell MTS customers
  • Twitter: Every tweet using #BellLetsTalk and Bell Let's Talk Day video view
  • Facebook: Every view of the Bell Let's Talk Day video and use of the Bell Let's Talk frame
  • Instagram: Every Bell Let's Talk Day video view
  • Snapchat: Every use of the Bell Let's Talk filter and video view

Alone we cannot end mental illness, but we can all add to the ending of the stigma, and below are five steps to help:

  1. Language Matters-Words can help, but they can also hurt. Consider what words you use to refer to mental illness.
  2. Educate Yourself-Know the facts versus the myths about mental illness to help end the stigma.
  3. Be Kind-Simple kindness can make a world of difference! Whether it be a smile, giving a listening ear, or an offer to go out for coffee, these simple acts can let someone know that you’re there for them.
  4. Listen and Ask-Being a good listener and asking how you can help can be the first step in recovery.
  5. Talk About It-Break the silence. Most people with mental health issues can and do recovery, just by talking about it.

You can download the Bell Let’s Talk toolkit to begin your own conversation about mental health at home, school or in the workplace, and also learn more about the five simple ways to end stigma.

Join us as we work together to break down the stigma that surrounds mental illness.