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Canada basketball

Living Legend: Gino Sovran Still Recalls Many Memories Of Nba's First Season 70 Years Later


Feb 23, 2016

Every time New York and Toronto face off during the season, like on Monday night at Madison Square Garden, a piece of special history comes along with the matchup: the Knicks and Toronto Huskies, years before the Raptors, headlined the first game ever in the NBA - then called the BAA (Basketball Association of America) - on Nov. 1, 1946, at Maple Leaf Gardens.

And just last week, Toronto became the first non-U.S. city to host All-Star Weekend, bringing more awareness to the birthplace of the NBA.

Seventy years later, only one person truly understands the significance of those early days of basketball: Gino Sovran, the last surviving member of the two inaugural teams in 1946.

Read the full article from the NBPA here.