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Canada basketball

Nov 30th: Basketball Coaches Day in Canada



Nov 21, 2013

In partnership with ParticipACTION’s Sports Day in Canada, Canada Basketball declares November 30th, 2013 Basketball Coaches Day in Canada.

Basketball Coaches Day in Canada is a national celebration of all Canadian basketball coaches for the time, dedication and passion that they contribute to our sport throughout the year. We encourage sporting clubs, schools, community associations and all organisations linked to our sport to explore ways to show and express their appreciation for their basketball coaches. We are looking to see the basketball community celebrate their coaches by hosting or participating in an event during the week from November 24th - 30th.  

On November 30th, which is also Sports Day in Canada, people can register the events they participate in and we would like to see basketball as the most registered sport that day.  

To get involved, all you have to do is:

1. CREATE an event

2. REGISTER the event on

3. PROMOTE the event

4. UPLOAD photos/videos of the event at #SportsDay,, #CanBall,

For more information, please visit